Friday, July 19, 2013

Week twenty-seven, Ugh!

I ready to scream at my body. I've been walking, mind you, not a long walk. Half a mile to a mile each night. Occasionally riding my bike. And all my body can do is take on water when I eat something that is too salty.

The Sunday after updating you on week twenty-four, I ate a ham meal. The salt put over 2 pounds of water onto my, finally under 157 pound, weight. Then my monthly kept it there. I've been fighting to get back into the 156 numbers, but, alas, it's not in the cards. I still jumping around the 157's.

The great news? I have to purchase in between clothing and my husband remarked on the loss of love handles. I was hoping to lose the weight fast enough to not have to purchase clothing in between, but it still feels great to know my body is smaller and I need smaller clothing.


Week twenty-seven--157.6 pounds. Week twenty-six--157.2 pounds. Week twenty-five--157.5 pounds. Week twenty-four--156.2 pounds. Beginning weight 188 pounds.Three week gain from week twenty-four--1.4 pounds. Total loss--30.4 pounds. Average loss per week--1.13 pound per week.

Benefits moment:

Watermelon--Though 92% of watermelon is composed of water, the other 8% is loaded with nutrients, especially antioxidants. These include vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene, which helps to neutralize free radicals.

You can always buy pre-cut and packaged watermelon at the supermarket, but you will get a lot more for your money if you opt for the whole fruit. Look for a smooth rind with one side darker than the other. This indicates ripeness, as the sun darkens the exposed side of the melon while the side touching the ground stays its original color. The melon should feel heavy for its size.
(copied from the Nutribullet pocket nutritionist)

Hang in there, I am, even though I don't want to. Happy healthy eating, getting more exercise, losing weight and becoming healthier. 

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